Project reports
Master and PhD theses
Poster & Exhibitions
Newspaper, Radio & TV shows
Project reports |
HAEser, J. 2002. Project “Oasis Settlements in Oman”. Survey campaigns at Tiwi in 2002. Unpublished report for the Department of Antiquities, Muscat (4 pp)
HAEser, J. 2003. Project “Transformation Processes in Oasis Settlements in Oman”. Report on the survey campaign spring 2003 in Maqta and Ibrā’. Unpublished report for the Department of Antiquities, Muscat (4 pp)
J. HAEser & J. Schreiber 2003. Project “Transformation Processes in Oasis Settlements in Oman”. Report on the survey campaign fall 2003 in Ibrā’ and al-Hamrā’. Unpublished report for the Department of Antiquities, Muscat (3 pp)
Ribbeck, E. & Gangler, A. 2001. Oasis settlement in Oman. Pilot Study 1999-2000. Städtebau Institut, Universität Stuttgart (72 pp)
Schreiber, J. 2004. Project “Transformation processes in oasis settlements of Oman”. Archaeological reconnaissance at Izki and the Jebel Akhdar. A preliminary report. Unpublished report for the Department of Antiquities, Muscat (8 pp)
Schreiber, J. 2004. “Transformation processes in oasis settlements of Oman”. Archaeological survey at Izki, the Jebel Akhdar and Nizwa. A preliminary report of the autumn campaign 2004. Unpublished report for the Department of Antiquities, Muscat (9 pp)
Schreiber, J. 2005. "Transformation processes in oasis settlements in Oman". The 2005 campaigns. Unpublished report for the Department of Antiquities, Muscat 4 pp)
Gaube, H. & Gangler, A. 2005. Transformation processes of oasis settlements in Oman. Project report, Stuttgart.
Master & PhD theses |
Gosch, M. 2003. Entwicklung eines Internet-Geoinformationssystems für archäologische Fundstätten am Beispiel der omanischen Oase Ibra. Diplomarbeit, Technische Fachhochschule Berlin, 79 S. (Diploma thesis)
Nagieb, M. 2004. Nährstoffflüsse und pflanzengenetische Ressourcen in zwei Bergoasen des nördlichen Omans. Kassel University Press, Kassel, 178 pp. (PhD thesis)
Al Khanjari, S. 2005. Exploration and estimation of morphological and genetic diversity of wheat (Triticum spp.) landraces in Oman. Kassel University Press, Kassel, 138 pp. (PhD thesis)
Predotova, M. 2005. Diet quality and feed intake of traditionally raised goats in oasis systems of the Jabal Akhdar mountains, Oman. Master thesis at the Department of Crop Production in the Tropics and Subtropics, University of Kassel.
Dickhoefer, U. 2006. Nutritional and ecological aspects of goat husbandry in mountain oases of the Al-Jabal-al-Akhdar, Northern Oman. Master thesis at the Department of Animal Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics, University of Kassel.
Siebert, S. 2006. Analysis of arid agricultural systems using quantitative image analysis, modeling and geographical information systems. Kassel University Press, Kassel, 180 pp. (PhD thesis)
Luedeling, E. 2007. Sustainability of mountain oases in Oman: Effects of agro-environmental changes on traditional cropping systems. Kassel University Press, Kassel, 142 pp. (PhD thesis)
Schreiber, J. 2007. Transformationsprozesse in Oasensiedlungen Omans. Die vorislamische Zeit am Beispiel von Izki, Nizwa und dem Jebel Akhdar. PhD-thesis submitted to the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
Hoffmann-Ruf, M. 2008. Scheich Muhsin bin Zahran al-'Abri. Tribale Macht im Oman des 19. Jahrhunderts. Islamkundliche Untersuchungen Band 283, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, Berlin, 391 pp. (PhD thesis)
Poster & Exhibitions |
Summary of the posters presented at the Symposium "Oases of Oman" (Sultan Quaboos University, 12-14.04.2007)
Baranowski, M., Bobryk, E., Daszkiewicz, M., Schneider, G. & Schreiber, J. 2007. Possibilities and limitations of mascropic determination of pottery fabrics in the field. Poster presented on the „Europaean Meeting on Ancient Ceramics" in Budapest, 24.-27.10.2007.
Newspaper, Radio and TV shows |
Oman Daily Observer & Oman Tribune, 11.01.2010. Book on Oman launched
Oman Tribune 2007. Oases in Al Jabel Al Akhdhar can do wonders
Oman Tribune, Mai 2007. Jabal Al Akhdar fruit crops in danger: Expert
Oman Tribune, Mai 2007. Exhibition focuses on threats to oases
Buerkert, A., Schlecht, E. & Haeser, J., 2007. Der Wandel der Oasen. DFG - Forschung 2/2007, 16-21.
Buerkert, A., Hammer, K., Schlecht, E., Haeser, J. & Al Khanjari, S. 2007. Times of Chnage in Omani Oases. DFG - Forschung 3/2007, 4-9.
Innovation 21, Carl Zeiss AG, 2008. Der Jabal Akhdar aus der Vogelperspektive, 44-47.
Innovation 17, Carl Zeiss AG, 2006.Telescopic Eyeglasses ad Model Airplanes, 56-57.
TV Shows (in german):
ZDF- Drehscheibe, 21.09.2010

Hessenschau, 20.06.2010: "Kasseler Forscher wollen Banane retten"
Radio programme (in german): Weltkulturerbe Oasen - Notizen aus dem Oman. 25.12.2010, Bayerischer Rundfunk, by Monika Lüpschen. http://www.br-online.de/b5aktuell/notizen-oasen-oman-ID1291973763869.xml
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